
Sunday, July 31, 2016


oh hey here are some old posts from 2013. just because we only check this blog from time to time. just to cringe. yeah.

context: some 7th grade dance?

So, yesterday was the school dance and it was actually pretty awkward but don't worry it was fun too.
We took a selfie with two other people but I'm not sure if their okay with having their face all over the internet because of that I just cropped their faces out.

                          I think I'm just stunning.
Everyone had a story to tell.
Yes it will be crappily written because the plot is way better.
So yeah here it is.
Rachel decided to come into my house and what not to pick me up because it would be awkward to go to a dance without you're friend and as awkward as we were this was our first ever dance (crazy right?). I was the Wineys' car and Rachel found one of those Mac Donald's drink holder. You know the ones made of like cardboard and plastic, well any-who , Rachel, as awkward as she was decided, "OOH this is like a driving wheeling!" and stared steering the square drink holder. This here is one of the reasons we are friends.
~ * ~
We arrived to the dance and basically more than half the people there were strangers. A lot of people knew each other because they were on the sports teams but Rachel and I don't play a sport (crazy right?) so we decided well, this would be very awkward. In the beginning Rachel thought all the girls we knew in OUR class were random dudes so she got like really scared. Talk about a fail.
~ * ~
After like 15 minutes later Rachel and I got like really, really, really (did I mention really?) bored. Rachel decided to go up to some random kid (poor kid.) and say "Hi" to him and he awkwardly replied back "Umm hi." Apparently Rachel wanted to take a picture to show her mom because her mom wanted to know what was going to go on at the dance. But it's kinda wrong when you have took no pictures to show you're mom except for one of a boy whose name you don't even know. SO ANOTHER FAIL FOR RACHEL.
Should we just count fail points?
Rachel: 2
Kathy: 0
~ * ~
After dancing in the corner to some of our favorite songs we got bored and went to the bathroom area and sat on the benches. Apparently people really like going to the bathroom for some odd reason. So we started welcoming people to the bathroom. Here's one dialogue.
*kid walks over to the bathroom area*
Rachel: Welcome to the bathroom!
Kathy: We hope you enjoy you're stay!
*kid awkwardly shifts over to the bathroom*
*kid finishes and walks out.*
Rachel: Thank you for using the bathrooms!
Kathy: We hope you enjoyed your stay!
We basically did that until our favorite songs came up and we ran out dancing to it. Until this one kid came along...
We did our usually dialogue but instead of leaving back awkwardly he said...
"Are you guys always this creepy?" and we replied "Yes."
So then he left away awkwardly.
Later a group of our friends came and this picture with me in the background was taken. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? WHAT KIND OF A FACE IS THAT? PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND.

~ * ~
However later people were slow dancing to "Say Something" by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera. Guess who were the loners on the sidelines. Yep, Rachel and I (crazy huh?) but we weren't alone because we were hanging out with Cody who turns out is a really cool dancer. Guess who came by us? That same guy who called us creepy but I guess the music was too loud because we thought he was all like, "Guy, stop being creepy." As always Rachel I, the idiots we were started screaming and running. We screeched, "WE ARE CREEPERS FOR LIFE!". However according to Cody who was closer to the guy than we were, he and his friend was asking us to slow dance together. That kinda sucks for them now. Oops (fail points)
Rachel: 3
Kathy: 1
~ selfie time ~

So, later they were playing "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Ft. Ray Dalton. However Rachel told me, we technically are on the ceiling so it can't hold us so grammatically correct it would be "Like the ceiling can't contain us!" I guess these two boys didn't get it so they started dancing around us. So, they started singing "You're singinnngg it wronnnnngggg!" to the beat so Rachel you failed yet again.
Rachel: 4
Kathy: 1
~ * ~
Near the last 15 minutes you could request to dance with your crusher, get sweet revenge on someone you hate and request them to dance with someone, or just see two people you've always wanted to dance with each other. Apparently while we were waiting in line for the DJ lines someone ahead of us decided to request RACHEL AND CODY. OOOHHHHHH. However Rachel freaked out, hid in the bathroom and Rachel rejected him and Cody rejected her so over all SHE GETS ANOTHER FAIL POINT.
Rachel: 5
Kathy: 1
I decided to request Morgan and Nathan because she kept bothering me to dance with a guy even though she didn't dance with anyone. They DJ announced it and I went up to Morgan awkwardly dancing with Nathan and whispered, Your Welcome. She got really mad and started fiercely to the DJ line and right when it was our turn Rachel's mom showed up and she took us home before Morgan could request so, HAHA SUCKER. Any-who last night was pretty fun.
Oh, and bye!


______________________________________________________________Mortal Snapchats

context: sleepover honestly idkWOAH. I haven't posted in ages. Random Person: You posted last month. What are you talking about?
Me: Don't judge me 'cause I'm beautiful
Actually I posted exactly one month ago. WEIRD HUH? February 8 - March 8. Woah, I have no life
Anywho because I was exposed to a disease called
So next time I post maybe it will actually have to do with the title of our blog. ANYWAYS, Rachet came over to my house and we watched the movie, "City of Bones" which was inspired by the book written byCassandra Clare. HOWEVER IT WAS A TOTAL FAILURE. They mixed in the first three books, the failed with the character choice, the ending, BASICALLY THE WHOLE PLOT. lawl.
Anyways after word Rachet and I went on Snapchat and... spammed everyone's inbox. If you don't know what Snapchat is that I have nothing to say to you. JK. Seriously though, you've heard of the word... right? * * *
"Snapchat is a photo messaging application ("app") developed by Evan Spiegel and Robert Murphy, then Stanford University students.[3][4][5] Using the application, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "Snaps". Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps (as of December 2013, the range is from 1 to 10 seconds),[6] after which they will be hidden from the recipient's device and deleted from Snapchat's servers."
* * * So, if you were one of the people who got those, yeah... sorry 'bout that. Anyways enjoys a sample of some of them. Well see ya soon! Ciao.
Smello ima rachet!

Context: A different sleepover. who knows. I'm at Kathy's house right now and on her computer. So, Kathy and I went to the open house on Thursday for our school and they had performers come but one of them was the best. THE BUBBLE MAN!!! I mean just look at him. He blew bubbles inside bubbles, made a bubble volcano, had a kid poke a bubble without it popping and stuff. SO MAGICAL.
Then, when we got back to Kathy's house later, that day played on our iPods. We were being bored on youtube and found the PHOTO BOOTH CHALLENGE. woah. This isn't the funniest picture but hey, its pretty cool.
 Later, thanks to another Youtube video we played Truth or Dare! We used an app but some of the dares required kissing. like eww no. So, thanks to the youtube video we decided, that all the gross and impossible ones, would be replaced by eating a small spoon of HOT SAUCE/ mayo. Yes I know. The mayo one was really fun and was like ultimately awesome. We filmed just like a snippet of the hot sauce one so check it ou The next day we went to see the movie, Divergent. Which was like totally radical!!!!! Kathy dressed up in all black and she kinda look hipster. lawl. We drew tattoos on ourselves and did our hair to look like the Dauntless. btw also at the movies we saw a whole bunch of our friends. YAY TO NO SCHOOL ON FIRIDAY!
Way to be the weakest Dauntless ever! -Kathy
Here's some pics of how it went...
Okay, so this sentence is writen by kathy: EWW. WHY. NO. Hipster outfits.      

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hello... Yet Good-bye...

So hey, Rachel here since like, a year...
Yeah, the only reason this isn't deleted because I want to keep it for the links I put on here and won't allow Kathy to delete it. So yeah, I won't ever update until I feel like it's to cringe worthy and must be updated. Please take no offence... back track
So yeah, doesn't matter if it was deleted or not, no one ever looks at it...
So I'm typing this, only for myself... Only I will read this... I'm so lonely
Regret, so much Regret...
I was going type more, but now that I have come upon this realization, I'm going to stop
So good-bye myself, keep reading your own post...
Get a real life...
Please stop typing...
Get lost...
Okay, I'm done now
I think...
Are you still reading?
Great job me
Don't stop... Believing... OHHH WOAHHH
But no, yes... I'm done
Officially good-bye
Have a good day me...
Update never...
Since your the only one that reads this...
Please leave now..

Monday, May 12, 2014

Awesome Websites

So Some wesbites I fell in love with (may be long list)-

That's all of them, short yes, but I posted Thanks to kathy for showing me half of them and the rest I found on my own, well with the help of youtube. My period button is stuck so I'm just gonna press it a lot so don't mind the ending with the long line of dots